Solid recruitment and retention strategies are now more important for home care providers than ever before. The unemployment rate continues to set record lows, many employers now offer $15/hr starting wage, and open hiring (hiring applicants on a first-come first-served basis with minimal screening) is becoming increasingly common.

To compete with the mega-corporations in retail and food service, we need to win where they can’t. Career ladders give small employers a huge advantage over big businesses, yet few small business owners are taking advantage of this simple and easy-to-implement strategy.

CareAcademy CEO Helen Adeosun will lead a live workshop to help you design a career ladder for your caregivers and provide an example that you can implement immediately.

About the Presenter

todd-austinTodd brings a decade of experience in sales, marketing, and sales management to the Home Care Pulse team. He is passionate about delivering resonant messages, growing businesses, and helping others achieve their potential.



helen-headshotCareAcademy CEO Helen Adeosun is passionate about caregiving and the impact that the right caregiver can have on families.

As an educator and workplace trainer, she has had a career in driving outcomes for adult learners and finding meaningful ways for them to engage in learning.